Preliminary Task Evaluation

Preliminary Task Evaluation 


This preliminary task has helped me to generate ideas of what my final magazine cover might consist of. Also, it has helped me practice my editing skills and get familiar with different programs to help me create my magazine. Throughout the next few months, I hope to get as close to perfect as possible in editing with InDesign and Photoshop to create me magazine.


Both of my magazine covered had the title in the center with the model in the middle/center.
Both magazine covers have one model, which I plan to only use one model for my final magazine cover as well. 

Text Styles

My title is bold and will always be bold because I want it to stand out. However, the subtext is a fine text and smaller because I want the central image to be the main point of attraction. The fonts and colors remain consistent.


For the cove page, I have decided to only use one model for the central image because it creates more attention (in my opinion) and results in less distractions. There will not be any distractions in the background and the image will be in color. My models will all have fit, toned bodies but not "body-builder" bodies because I want teenagers to see realistic versions of fitness.


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